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How to Get a Free Upgrade with a Capterra Review

Business Proposal TemplatesIn exchange for the cost of either one free product upgrade or one add-on Proposal Pack design theme we will accept a quote, testimonial or review of the product you have been using. Read the important instructions.

All you have to do is write a brief review of your previously purchased Proposal Kit product(s) on our Capterra listing. You must contact us after you post your review otherwise we may not see your review or know who you are to match it up with a past order.

Capterra requires all reviews to be from verifiable companies. Capterra will review and approve all reviews based on a few criteria such as using a publicly verifiable identity and that the written review meets their guidelines. Make sure to answer all the questions, follow their guidelines and provide verifiable contact information such as a LinkedIn profile or company web page that matches what you submit to Capterra. Reviews must be accepted and posted by Capterra to qualify for a free upgrade.

To qualify with a CapterrA product review

Before posting Contact us first to ensure everything is correct.
Go to our "Proposal Kit" listing. Make sure to use a verifiable company name.
Write your review and submit it.
Contact us for verification of the posting.
We will then email the product upgrade download link to you. It may take up to 72 hours for Capterra to process your review and notify us that it is posted.
Only legitimate and factual reviews from our actual customers qualify. Include specifics in the review such as what industry you are in and how the product has helped your business, how long you have been using it, or whatever else you like about the product or how it has specifically helped you.

This offer is not for upgrading to a higher end product. Make sure you only put a recommendation on the actual product(s) you purchased and used in the past.

If you are recommending multiple products you must write something different about each one. Do not copy the same recommendation multiple times.

We do not require a long review, just a short paragraph is sufficient but do include some specific details such as how long you have used it, how it has helped your business, what industry you use it for, etc. We require all postings for this special offer to contain correct and factual information.

Future upgrades to free offers are not included free. Free products follow the same future upgrade costs as paid products. In providing a review on a third party web site in exchange for a free upgrade or add-on Proposal Pack you also give us permission to post the review.
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