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How to write your Advertising Campaign Services Proposal

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Proposal Pack Aqua #5 Title Page

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The Advertising Campaign for Product Launch Services Sample Proposal is an example of a proposal using Proposal Pack to pitch the services of an advertising agency to design a campaign for a new product launch.

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Anyone proposing an advertising or marketing campaign.

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Advertising Campaign Services Sample Proposal - The Narrative

Advertising Campaign for LiquiPlanet, Inc.

Please find enclosed our strategy for advertising LiquiPlanet water filtration devices. We are as enthusiastic as you are about letting the world know these great products are available. As we discussed briefly over the phone, Shur Advertising has specialized in marketing earth friendly products since 2000.

We know your target audience and how to reach them. This proposal represents the creative vision of team of six Shur specialists. After reviewing our ideas, please call me at the number listed below so we can meet in person and start getting the word out about your products. Shur Advertising has specialized in marketing earth friendly products for over years.

We know your target audience and how to reach them. After reviewing our ideas, please call me at the number listed below so we can meet in person and start getting the word out about your products. LiquiPlanet water filter products are new to the market.

Therefore, the goal is to create product awareness and gain market share as soon as possible.

Goals and Objectives

Make public aware of LiquiPlanet and its products. By following the plan outlined in Outreach and Advertising Plan pages, the public will quickly become aware of LiquiPlanet as new manufacturer of water filtration products. Note that the plan must be followed in sequence. First, the charitable donations must be organized, and teaser ads placed on the internet.

Then deliveries must be filmed and film clips incorporated into television and internet ads. Radio interviews and magazine ads may be concurrent with television and internet ads or may follow shortly after television and internet ads. Within six months LiquiPlanet will have global presence.

Gain 50% market share within one year. By following charitable giving advertising approach, we predict that LiquiPlanet will own at least 50% of the water filtration market within twelve months. Note that LiquiPlanet must ensure fast, continuous delivery of products that satisfy the customers’ needs for this to happen. This means that LiquiPlanet’s manufacturing and delivery services must be able to respond quickly to fill orders that will come after scheduled advertisements.

Become established as the ‘green’ supplier of water filtration products and continue to gain market share in years to come. The initial donation project and subsequent interviews, articles, and advertisements should firmly establish LiquiPlanet as the eco friendly, socially conscious supplier of water filtration products. To maintain its reputation and garner further market share, LiquiPlanet must prove itself by continuing charitable donations or sponsorship projects, making the public aware of these activities, soliciting customers’ comments, and incorporating customers’ suggestions for improvements and advertising that. The cycle must be repeated annually.

Furthermore, the LiquiPlanet headquarters and manufacturing facilities must be shown to be continually ‘eco friendly’. LiquiPlanet wants to gain reputation as an environmentally friendly, socially conscious manufacturer of water filtration products. At the current time, LiquiPlanet is unknown. Therefore, LiquiPlanet has unique opportunity to create positive image with the launch of its first products.

By using charitable donation project as its product rollout and then subsequently advertising that project when introducing its products, LiquiPlanet will firmly establish itself in the mind of customers as ‘feel good’ company. LiquiPlanet must strive in every way to continually promote the company and its products as ‘green’ and good for the planet and its people. Shur Advertising recommends that LiquiPlanet’s advertising campaign begin shortly after major philanthropy effort to supply products to areas in need of clean drinking water.

We recommend that LiquiPlanet choose at least three areas from list we will supply, and then donate water filtration products practical for that area. Note that we have chosen small population clusters that have great need—villages in Africa, Latin America, and Asia; and isolated rural populations in the United States that are experiencing problems with potable water supply. All products donated will be labeled with the distinct LiquiPlanet logo, and all adults receiving products must agree to be interviewed and videotaped at no cost for LiquiPlanet commercials at the company’s request.


By donating products to create clean water and then advertising this effort using the stories of the people who benefited, LiquiPlanet will become known as the water filtration company that wants to save the planet and better the lives of its people. LiquiPlanet should supply the entire population of at least three targeted areas with filtration devices that will give them clean water to drink—products for total of approximately households and between 150 250 people. The company will deliver the products and film the delivery instruct the recipients on how to use the products, then return in week or two to interview and film the users.

Outreach Efforts

LiquiPlanet should choose at least three areas from the list, prepare and package donations, and inform the areas that products and film crews are coming on specific date. We recommend enlisting the aid of WorldWise Water, nonprofit with whom Shur Advertising has worked in the past, and who would be happy to serve as coordinator and advisor in this effort.


By following this plan, LiquiPlanet products will instantly become the ‘feel good’ products that customers are proud to purchase, giving LiquiPlanet big jump on the competition. All donations will be tax deductible as well. This plan combines charity with publicity to create public awareness of new products that can benefit everyone.

All advertising will be based on two basic ideas. Everyone on earth deserves clean, pure water. You can have water as clean and pure as nature intended by using LiquiPlanet water filtration products.

The following are general script and design concepts for various advertising media.

Internet videos

For teaser videos, short clip of life in the area will be shown, followed by the message. How will one company transform the lives of all people in town or village name country. Go to to find out.

This concept will drive traffic to LiquiPlanet’s website, where the charitable project will be featured and products will be described, along with short clip showing how the filters can be recycled. For videos few months later, the question will be asked. How did one company transform the lives of all people in town or village name country. This will be followed by short interview clips with donation recipients about how LiquiPlanet’s products improved their lives, and end with the message "Enjoy the gift of pure water in your home" followed by link to the company’s website.

Television ads

Television ads will be 30 second documentaries, featuring donation recipients telling how LiquiPlanet’s gift changed their lives, and then showing how the featured product can work in the viewer’s home. We suggest two different ads; one for pitcher faucet products, and one for the portable water bottle. Both should show that the filters are recyclable.

This concept will firmly establish LiquiPlanet as ‘good neighbor’ in the world and as ‘feel good’ product to purchase.

Radio interview ads

We believe that radio time should be used principally for interviews with LiquiPlanet staff who were involved in the donation product. This will cost the company nothing and will have wide appeal. The company may later decide to run ads on the radio, which should briefly explain the charitable project followed by brief summary of LiquiPlanet’s products.

Print ads

Depending on publication, we suggest two possible ads. For publications appealing to general consumers, we recommend an image with natural waterfall in the background and all of LiquiPlanet’s products in the foreground. The words "Everyone deserves clean water" along with the distinctive company logo and website URL should be prominently displayed.

For publications appealing to outdoor types or sporting types, we recommend display featuring natural waterfall in the background and hiker drinking out of LiquiPlanet portable bottle. The words "Enjoy pure water anywhere" along with the distinctive company logo and website URL should be prominently displayed.

Billboard ads

We suggest display similar to the print ad for general consumers described above. We recommend that LiquiPlanet follow the advertising plan outlined below. Establish state of the art website.

Before the product rollout or the charitable donations, LiquiPlanet should create website with ‘green’ feel and message, instructions for using and recycling products, the ability to collect user comments with the caveat that comments may be featured in advertising campaigns, and News page that will be regularly updated on eco friendly activities of the company. One day before teaser videos are placed, add information about upcoming charitable activities see Outreach page in this proposal to the News page and home page. Place short ‘teaser’ promotional videos advertising company’s upcoming activities on the internet. One week before donations are made, short teaser videos will appear on multiple websites, teasing viewers with this message.

How will one company transform the lives of all people in town or village name country. Go to to find out. Teaser videos will be created and placed by Shur Advertising.

Place longer infomercial videos advertising company’s activities and products on the internet. After videos of field interviews with recipients of LiquiPlanet donations have been combined with studio filmed sequences describing LiquiPlanet products, place these complete videos on multiple websites. Videos will be produced by Shur Advertising associates and placed by Shur Advertising.

Place ads on television. After videos of satisfied recipients of LiquiPlanet donations have been filmed and combined with studio filmed sequences describing products, advertising time should be purchased at times that our target audience is most likely to be watching. Shows featuring environmental, animal, and health subjects are the most desirable.

See other pages in this proposal for scripts for these ads and suggested placements. Shur Advertising can recommend several media companies that specialize in this type of ‘feel good’ commercials. Schedule radio interviews of LiquiPlanet employees who participated in the donation project.

Our research shows that interviews are more beneficial to new company’s sales than ads on the radio, and many radio shows are looking for interviewees. Shur Advertising can arrange for interviews and write scripts for participants. Radio ads will be beneficial after the public has become aware of LiquiPlanet and its products.

Place articles and ads in magazines. Many magazines will welcome well written article describing LiquiPlanet’s charitable launch project, and if possible, an article should accompany an ad the first time LiquiPlanet products are advertised in that publication. See other pages in this proposal for suggestions on where to place magazine ads. Shur Advertising will create these articles and advertisements.

Repeat the charitable project advertising PR cycle yearly. We predict you will be amazed at your sales if you follow the strategy outlined here. Then, to keep the feel good and sell even better cycle going, we recommend that LiquiPlanet take on one donation project or sponsor one worthy organization or event per year to keep the company firmly established in the public eye as the eco friendly, socially conscious supplier of water filtration products.

This proposal focuses on advertising the following LiquiPlanet products as group, and emphasizing the features listed below each product.

LiquiPlanet Snap On Faucet Water Filter

Removes lead, chlorine, parasites, herbicides, pesticides, petroleum compounds, bacteria, and many pharmaceutical compounds. Easy to attach to any faucet snap on, snap off. Clean, clear, great tasting water from any system and any faucet.

Inexpensive to buy and economical to maintain – each filter lasts six months on average and is recyclable in most places.

LiquiPlanet Water Filter Pitchers

Removes lead, chlorine, parasites, herbicides, pesticides, petroleum compounds, bacteria, and many pharmaceutical compounds. Two sizes that fit easily into most refrigerators. Inexpensive to buy and economical to maintain – each filter lasts eight months on average and is recyclable in most places.

LiquiPlanet Water Filter Bottles

Removes lead, chlorine, parasites, herbicides, pesticides, petroleum compounds, bacteria, and many pharmaceutical compounds. Pour water in through the filter side; sip clean water from the drinking spout. Take it anywhere.

Use it on the sports field or out hiking; no more polluting the environment with plastic water bottles. Inexpensive to buy and economical to maintain – each filter lasts six months on average and is recyclable in most places.

LiquiPlanet Replacement Filters

Mentions of the replacement filters will be included with product descriptions. It’s only necessary to show that filters are easy to replace, easy to recycle, and inexpensive. Where possible, mention gallons that each filter can clean. While LiquiPlanet has competition among water filter manufacturers, we believe that the market for water filtration devices is growing, especially in countries outside of the United States.

Within the United States, we believe that the unique portable filter bottle and the recyclability of all LiquiPlanet replacement filters will be major attractions for customers and will quickly move LiquiPlanet to the top spot among filtration product manufacturers. The following paragraphs give snapshot of the current market before LiquiPlanet bursts onto the scene.

Study Methodology

The following materials were gathered from three major sources. Lincoln, Jay "Trends in Consumer Filtration Devices," Vol. 9, Water Supply Magazine; annual reports from all water filtration device manufacturers; and Shur Advertising’s extensive experience with this type of product.

Target Market

Water filtration devices appeal to broad audience—anyone who is concerned about drinking clean water at home. Some portions of this audience buy bottled water, but LiquiPlanet water filtration products will particularly appeal to those who are concerned about the environmental cost of using plastic water bottles.


For LiquiPlanet faucet filters and filter pitchers, the market is general—anyone who is concerned about drinking clean water at home and does not want to purchase bottled water to satisfy this need. The market need is highest in areas that have identified issues with the public water supply as documented in the required annual report distributed to the public by water districts or in which the water has distinctive taste due to high proportion of minerals. For LiquiPlanet water filter bottles, the market is the on the go group, which consists largely of children, adults participating in sports, and especially hikers, backpackers, and boaters of all kinds. The target audience wants water filtration products that filter harmful chemicals and bacteria from tap water or stream water.

Significant portion of the target audience also wants freedom from purchasing bottled water and is concerned about purchasing recyclable goods.

Current Situation

The three largest water filtration product manufacturers currently hold 85% of the global market, with the remaining 15% divided among various small specialty manufacturers. None of these manufacturers offer recyclable filters and only one offers portable water bottle with changeable filter.

Determining Factors

The target audience currently makes purchase decisions based on availability of replacement filters, cost of products, and ease of use. As costs and availability will be roughly equal, we believe that the recyclability of LiquiPlanet’s replacement filters will give LiquiPlanet an edge over competitors.

Market Size

In 20xx, more than million faucet water filtration devices were sold worldwide, and more than billion water filter pitchers. More than billion bottles of water were also sold. Potable water is quickly becoming one of our planet’s most valuable resources.

Every human and every animal needs clean water to drink. As the population grows, so will the need for clean water. Thus, the growth potential for water filtration devices is ever expanding. Obviously, all people need clean water every day, so purchasing and usage are continual.

Usage increases slightly in hot weather, when people drink more to replace liquid lost to perspiration. So the purchase of water filtration devices and replacement cartridges increases slightly during the hot months of the year.


The biggest competitors in the current market are. Berguson Filters, RiversRunThruIt, and H­Now Corporation. A check of all three competitors’ website FAQs reveals that their users have problems attaching filters to various faucets; those companies have resorted to supplying variety of awkward adapters to fix these problems.

The snap on, snap off feature of LiquiPlanet’s product will appeal to their customers and cut into all competitors’ market share. But we believe that the biggest features to exploit is the portability of the filter bottles and the recyclability of all filter cartridges; by marketing LiquiPlanet products as the ‘green’ choice in this market, the company will quickly gain ground over competitors.


It’s vital to get LiquiPlanet’s advertising campaign started as quickly as possible. ‘Green’ goods are popular now and rapidly increasing in market share over less eco friendly competitors. It’s likely that the competitors will follow our lead and come up with ‘green’ ideas of their own, so it’s extremely important to make big splash and grab the number one spot in the public consciousness as soon as products are ready to ship. The following methods will be employed to measure the success of the advertising campaign.

All comments incoming to LiquiPlanet’s website and other websites hosting articles about or ads for LiquiPlanet will be counted and analyzed each month to judge public awareness and opinions. This will be joint project of Shur Advertising and LiquiPlanet personnel. Sales will be measured each month to judge effects of advertising and informational articles and videos. Three months after launch, five question public opinion poll will be placed on strategic websites to gauge public awareness of LiquiPlanet and its products.

Six months after launch, five question public opinion poll will be carried out by phone survey firm to gauge public awareness of LiquiPlanet and its products. Monthly video conferences will be held between LiquiPlanet and Shur Advertising to discuss results and determine if changes are needed. The following figures are estimates only. More exact figures will be presented when we arrive at final design and schedule for the advertising campaign, and specific contract binding all parties will be written at that time.

Shur Advertising was founded in to help companies advertise their products and services in the 21st Century. What distinguishes 21st Century advertising. Unlike older companies, we use the internet to its fullest capacity to create public awareness and demand for products.

We understand social media, and we have efficient and innovative strategies for creating positive public impression of your company. We know that internet information goes hand in hand with television, radio, and print advertising. We are experts in designing, creating, and delivering complete package with consistent message for your organization.

We are nimble. Our creative employees work with our media specialist partners to do the very best job for you. Among our many satisfied clients are Gonn Travel Products, Edwards Electronics, 4Strength Body Systems, and Ground Breaking Construction, Inc. We have also developed campaigns for many nonprofits and public service organizations.

We believe that good corporations should be good citizens, not only in our own communities, but in the world. As well as recommending philanthropic projects to our clients as part of their advertising and marketing campaigns, Shur Advertising routinely participates in variety of projects that benefit individuals around the globe. See the Outreach page on our website for complete list.

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If you purchase this sample as a static template, it will be an editable Word format document; otherwise, if you buy a Proposal Pack or the Professional bundle, you can build a more customized editable Word document version of it using the included Wizard software. You can replace the sample information with your own, adjust the text to match your company's tone and style, and modify sections to include project-specific details.

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You can purchase multiple samples as individual Word templates or all 200 samples are included in every Proposal Pack and Proposal Kit Professional, which is a much better deal. The Proposal Kit offers sample proposals for various industries and project types. You can select and customize different sample proposals to suit each unique project. This flexibility allows you to create tailored proposals for other clients or projects.

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While this sample is an editable Word document, depending on the level of custom branding needed, consider the Proposal Kit Professional, which includes the branding features in the Wizard software that let you create custom-branded design themes more effectively. Start by incorporating your company's logo on the cover page, as well as in the headers and footers of the document. Next, adjust the color scheme of the proposal to match your brand colors. Change the fonts in the proposal to align with your brand's standard fonts. Including branded graphics that reflect your brand's style will further enhance the proposal. Additionally, ensure that the text within the proposal maintains a tone and voice consistent with your brand's communication style. By integrating these elements, your proposal will reinforce your brand identity.

How do I ensure my proposal stands out and wins the client?

To ensure your proposal stands out:

  • Personalize the content: Address the client's needs, challenges, and goals to make the proposal unique.
  • Highlight your value proposition: Communicate what sets your business apart and how to deliver superior results.
  • Use professional design elements: Incorporate visuals, charts, and graphs to enhance the presentation and make it more engaging.
  • Proofread and edit: Ensure the proposal is error-free and well-organized. A polished, professional document reflects your attention to detail and professionalism.

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