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How to write your SEO Services Proposal

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Proposal Pack Aqua #6 Title Page

Proposal Pack Aqua #6 Body Page
Proposal Pack Aqua #6 Body Page
Proposal Pack Aqua #6 Back Page

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This sample was created using the design theme Proposal Pack Aqua #6. You can recreate this same sample using any of our Proposal Pack design themes and have it customized for your business.

We include this SEO Services Sample Proposal in PDF and editable Word format chapters that can be customized using the included Wizard software.

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The included Proposal Pack Wizard software makes creating a customized version of this document speedy and efficient. The sample content is in Word format documents, so you can also use the sample text without using our Wizard software.

The SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Proposal is an example of a proposal using Proposal Pack to pitch the services of an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) specialist to a client to optimize their web site search results.

This is a good example to follow for any business or individual offering technical services to clients.

Used by web site and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) service providers. Used by anyone offering services to a client.

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SEO Services Sample Proposal - The Narrative

Search Engine Optimization & Reporting

A proposal to improve the search engine compatibility of to ensure it ranks well in search engine results pages and attracts more traffic and potential customers.

The Objective

To make the Un optimized Site at more compatible with search engines and to achieve higher search engine rankings for target keywords with particular emphasis on attracting more potential clients via search results. To contribute significantly to site visitors and web revenue targets. To strive for top positions for all core identified key phrases that have poor organic presence.

To attract more "qualified" visitors who are more likely to convert to customers.

Situation Analysis

The web site was originally designed without consideration of search engine marketing as major driver of traffic. Instead the majority of visitors were expected as result of offline promotion and more traditional advertising mediums which have not yet been implemented. As result the site is not experiencing satisfactory traffic levels.

Jordan Consulting Group was asked to review the search engine compatibility of the site. Our analysis shows that the site is suffering from major search engine compatibility issues preventing it from ranking highly for target search queries in the major search engines. The number of top search engine rankings for the site is very low indicating the need for SEO and for urgency with this project. It is unknown if Un optimized Site is using Pay Per Click PPC advertising but if immediate traffic delivery is required PPC may be viable short term option as SEO requires long term commitment and has longer lead time.

Quotations to create and manage PPC campaign in Google AdWords and or Yahoo Search Marketing are available upon request. Site Analysis To prepare detailed search engine optimization proposal for Un optimized Site we spent some hours researching your site and conducting search engine compatibility analysis at no cost to you. Having now analyzed your web site at we found the following search engine compatibility issues. Poor Search Engine Ranking The site is not currently ranking highly on all of the most popular U.S. search engines for logical search terms please see the ranking report provided with this proposal.

Your site may also not be ranking highly in search engines in other countries or markets that you target. Untargeted Keywords – Detailed keyword research may not have been conducted into the most popular search terms relating to the products and services offered on your site. Such research can reveal what search terms you should actually use in your web site body text page titles and META tags to help attract your target audience via search engines. Ineffective TITLE Element – The TITLE Element in the HTML code of the home page is not formatted or optimized in the most effective manner for the achievement of high search engine rankings.

It also contains some characters that search engines might have trouble indexing e.g. more effective Title element should be developed for each page of your site being optimized. Ineffective META Description Tag The META Description tag in the HTML code of the home page is not optimized in the most effective manner for the achievement of high search engine rankings. It also contains excessive keyword repetition which may trip search engine spam filters and result in ranking penalty being placed on the site. More effective META Description should be developed for each page of your site being optimized.

Lack of Sufficient Keyword Density Many site pages including the home page do not contain enough body text or enough target keywords within the existing body text to ensure search engines consider the site relevant for logical searches relating to its content. The text on each page needs to contain adequate keyword density for search engines to find the pages relevant match to search queries. Missing ALT IMG Attributes – Your web site does not seem to contain any ALT IMG attributes for images that can be indexed by search engines and used by visually impaired visitors. ALT IMG attributes are an important inclusion in web sites to meet international usability and accessibility standards.

They are also useful to search engines because they provide information about your site with which engines can match search queries. To improve search relevancy we suggest that more ALT IMG attributes be added to the site and logical target keywords should be integrated within these attributes. More effective Title element should be developed for each page of your site being optimized.

Ineffective File names – The file names of many of your site pages contain numbers or abbreviations instead of keywords. If you use keywords within your page file names search engines can distinguish individual keywords and it contributes slightly to your site’s overall relevancy for related search queries. Zero Google Page Rank The site has Google Toolbar PageRank of out of right now and no backward links pointing to it meaning it has poor link popularity and very few incoming links from other sites.

This is likely because it is fairly new. Google uses link information to determine how trustworthy and popular site is. Sites with higher PageRank and more links are given more relevancy weight in the Google algorithm and are more likely to be ranked higher for related search queries. Consequently the site is not on Google's radar and requires aggressive link building and or blog integration to get it there.

No XML Sitemap There doesn't appear to be an XML sitemap on the site in the expected location of sitemap.xml. The creation of an XML sitemap and upload to Google via Webmaster Tools will ensure that Googlebot is able to index and list all pages on the site regularly. Google Hasn’t Indexed Entire Site According to their Site Status Tool Google does not yet know about all the pages on the site.

The creation of an XML sitemap will address this. Ineffective Navigation Structure – The existing navigation menu for the site involves JavaScript drop down menus that can’t be indexed by search engines. We recommend that search engine friendly text based navigation menu be implemented at the bottom of the page to complement the existing menu. We also recommend that link to text based site map be included within this menu.

Limited Indexing by Google – Although Google reports it has indexed over pages on your site check of your site status in Google reveals that Googlebot does not yet know about all your site pages. This can be resolved via the creation and regular submission of Google Sitemap. There are other search engine compatibility issues but these are the major ones. A search engine optimization campaign can address all your site compatibility issues and ensure your web site is given the best possible opportunity to achieve high rankings for your priority search terms across the major search engines and directories in your target markets.

This will result in more web traffic and the capture of web site visitors that are better qualified leads for your goods and services. Jordan Consulting Group proposes to optimize your site as set out in the following section. The following is complete list of all project deliverables of our search engine optimization service as stated in the contract and proposal.

Once Off Activity

Requirements Gathering – we give you questionnaire to complete to ensure we tailor the optimization of your site to your exact needs. Search Engine Compatibility Report – we carry out detailed overview and analysis of your site's search engine compatibility in terms of HTML design page extensions link popularity TITLE and META tags link popularity body text and ALT IMG tags. We then provide detailed report with recommendations based on our findings.

The report is included within every proposal or is available as stand alone product for USD $395. List of Site Changes – we provide list of site changes required in order to meet Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. Keyword Research & Consultation – we undertake extensive keyword research using Keyword Discovery to determine what people are typing in to search engines to find products and services similar to yours. We also look at your competitors’ site to find the search terms and techniques they are using in their site code.

Then using specialist software we analyze the resulting keywords and phrases for performance and determine how many other sites are competing for high rankings with the same terms. Afterwards we provide you with list of search terms especially tailored for your site in order of potential ranking performance on the various engines. In consultation with you we revise and streamline the list to come up with four or five priority search terms for each page being optimized.

META Tag Creation – this is where we draft tailored TITLE and META tags for each page being optimized utilizing prioritized search terms. META Tag Performance Testing The tags are then run through final testing to check for search engine effectiveness and ranking potential across range of search engines. Site Compatibility Fixes – we put together all the tools needed to improve your site's compatibility with search engines including tailored TITLE and META tags ALT IMG tags code integration instructions and other recommendations based on the results of our Search Engine Compatibility Report. Site Copywriting – this is when we take look at your existing site copy and with your co operation make changes to ensure it is both search engine compatible and viewer friendly.

This can include the addition of keywords and phrases to your existing body text or the drafting of entirely new body text for various pages to ensure ranking relevancy and content satisfying to both search engines and viewers. Integration & Upload of Changes – this is where we or your site administrators if you prefer integrate the new META tags body text and other code alterations then upload the revised page to your site via FTP.

Ongoing Reporting & Maintenance

Search Engine Ranking Reports – depending on your chosen package we supply monthly search engine ranking reports for you to track improvements of your site on the main search engines and directories for chosen search terms for period of six or twelve months. First we set up ranking account for you with our specialist search engine ranking software and run an initial ranking mission to establish your site's ranking prior to the optimization campaign. You will receive report every two weeks for the first month following search engine submission then monthly for the term of your contract.

Keep in mind that search engines can take anywhere between one and twelve weeks to list your site so you may not notice improvements for few weeks. Rankings Maintenance to ensure up to date listings your site rankings are monitored each month for six or twelve months and each month where there has been significant drop in rankings the optimization of your site is "tweaked". We will also review your META tags from time to time during the duration of the contract to ensure your target search terms keep ranking well.

Campaign Performance Reporting – we undertake regular consulting with you to ensure campaign objectives are being met. We also supply monthly detailed ROI reports on the cost effectiveness of the SEO campaign. These reports are delivered in an Excel spreadsheet and can include detailed site visitor statistics if you don’t already have access to these.

Sample Campaign Performance Report is available upon request. Performance measurement requires access to your raw log files for integration into our ClickTracks analytics software. The main reason your web site is not currently performing as well as it could is because it is partly invisible to potential searchers.

Our search engine optimization service will turn that around for you. So what sort of results can you expect. Plenty of Top Top Top rankings in the search engines measurable by monthly ranking reports provided to you. An increase in traffic to your site measurable by site statistics and monthly ROI reports provided to you.

An increase in pre qualified leads measurable by site statistics and monthly ROI reports provided to you. Thanks to our focus on keyword research and our cutting edge approach to optimizing site page content ALL our clients are ranking in the top ten results for hundreds of their chosen search terms across the major search engines competing with millions of sites worldwide. Site traffic has increased dramatically for all our clients and more traffic means the likelihood of more sales. An SEO campaign generally pays for itself extremely quickly with cost efficiency unmatched by any other marketing technique.

Key project dates are outlined below. Dates are "best guess" estimates and are subject to change.

Requirements Gathering & Preliminary Research

Issuing you with requirements document and analyzing your responses. Preparing Search Engine Compatibility Analysis for to familiarize you with the existing search engine compatibility of the site. Preparing list of site changes required to satisfy Google’s Webmaster Guidelines.

Analyzing your site’s link structure and external link popularity. Analyzing your competitors’ sites and any available ranking reports for your site. Phone and or email consultations with you to determine your target market and to thoroughly understand the goals of your search engine optimization campaign.

Keyword Research

Analyzing the site’s current log files if available to determine what keywords visitors are currently using to find your site via search engines. Conducting detailed keyword research through Keyword Discovery see Section Two to determine what your target site visitors are typing in to search engines to locate sites like yours. Recommending priority and secondary search terms that your site should target based on our Keyword Discovery research.

Working with you to finalize the most appropriate search terms to use on each page of your site being optimized based on the above research. Approximately one week.

Optimization Integration & Site Compatibility Fixes

The drafting of tailored site TITLE and META tags for utilizing the target search terms finalized in Phase Two. The running of draft META tags through testing software to check for search engine effectiveness and ranking potential across range of search engines. The integration of target keywords into the existing search engine friendly text based site navigation structure. The creation of optimized ALT IMG Attributes the renaming of image and page file names and other recommendations based on the results of our Search Engine Compatibility Analysis.

Integrating appropriate cross links between pages based on our link analysis of your site. Working with you and our professional copywriter to create the content for additional pages and or enticing site copy for pages being optimized incorporating your target search terms finalized in Phase Two. Integrating the content anchor text links META tags body text site map and other code alterations into temporary site for testing and your approval before making changes to your live site. Accessing your site or working with your site administrators if you prefer to integrate all code alterations into your site and uploading revised pages to the live site via FTP.

Creation and uploading of an XML Sitemap to Google LiveSearch and Yahoo.

Link Building

The submission of the revised site to human reviewed directories and important niche search engines in our database where the site is not currently listed. Optional paid submission to search engines and directories that offer paid priority service. Approximately one week but up to weeks for search engines to include your revised pages.

Campaign Performance

Supplying monthly search engine ranking reports for target.

Measurement and Maintenance

Search terms commencing two weeks after the initial search engine submission. Monitoring your search rankings on monthly basis editing and resubmitting the XML sitemap to search engines where necessary and tweaking the site optimization from time to time if required to maintain search rankings. Regular consultations with you to ensure campaign objectives are being met. Provision of monthly ROI reports on the effectiveness of the SEO campaign.

Requires access to your site log files. Standard Disclaimer. The numbers represented above are to be used as an estimate.

The above Budget does in no way constitute warranty of final price. Estimates are subject to change if specifications are changed cost of doing business changes or costs for outsourced services change before being locked in by binding contract. Budget Disclaimer.

The numbers presented are to be used only as an estimate for the projects discussed. The budget shown here in no way constitutes warranty of final price. Estimates are subject to change if project specifications are changed or costs for outsourced services change before being locked in by binding contract. Pricing in United States dollars for the search engine optimization of

THE BASICS keywords phrases This package is designed for companies who know nothing about search engine optimization or don’t have the time to do it themselves and want to outsource the optimization to Jordan Consulting Group. It includes detailed keyword research search engine compatibility fixes step by step optimization of your site for up to keywords phrases and the submission of optimized pages to search engines and directories via XML sitemap by Jordan Consulting Group. Once Off Activity Site Optimization.

$3 keyword research META tag creation site compatibility fixes SEO copywriting Keyword integration link building XML site map creation & upload Ongoing Activity Monthly Campaign Performance Reporting. $695 per month search engine ranking report SEO maintenance campaign performance ROI report including detailed site metrics. THE WORKS PACKAGE keywords phrases This package is designed for companies who know nothing about search engine optimization or don’t have the time to do it themselves and want to outsource the optimization to Jordan Consulting Group. It includes Search Engine Compatibility Report SECR detailed keyword research search engine compatibility fixes XML site map creation internal external link building and step by step optimization of your site for up to keywords phrases and the submission of optimized pages via XML sitemap to search engines and directories by Jordan Consulting Group.

Once Off Activity Site Optimization. $6 keyword research META tag creation HTML validation site compatibility fixes SEO copywriting Keyword integration link building XML site map creation & upload Ongoing Activity Monthly Campaign Performance Reporting. $795 per month search engine ranking report ranking maintenance campaign performance ROI report including detailed site metrics.

Campaign fees payable monthly in advance over duration of contract. All figures in US Dollars. The main advantage of the Works Package over the Basics Package is the ability to optimize the site for many more target search terms and therefore more pages ensuring the site will rank highly in search engines and directories for much wider combination of keyword searches and entry pages. Calculating the ROI on an SEO campaign.

When considering the cost benefits of investing in an SEO campaign it is good idea to think about the number of visitor to your site it takes to make sale conversion and the value of each visitor to your business. Then take your average sale amount and divide by that figure to arrive at your cost per visitor. For example if you had sale for every visitors and your average sale amount was $700 the approximate value of each visitor to your business would be $1.40.

Average sale amount $700 $1.40 per visitor of visitors to make sale If you currently had visitors to your site each month and your investment in SEO doubled this traffic figure which is not uncommon. That would bring an additional $7 worth of sales to your site each and every month and your investment in SEO would pay for itself within months. Jordan Consulting Group is an Internet consultancy that helps businesses to achieve the highest possible Return on Investment ROI from their web sites.

We’ve assisted over clients to improve the search engine compatibility of their web sites and gain more traffic and sales as result. Our company was established in Australia in as freelance business under the trading name Web Rank by founder Kalena Jordan who could see the potential growth of search engine marketing services. The company began with just one client but expanded rapidly due to high demand.

We're branded the company to Jordan Consulting Group in response to our natural evolvement from search engine marketing services provider into full service online consultancy. In we established an online training institution offering fun easy and affordable online courses in search engine optimization SEO and other search engine marketing subjects. Jordan Consulting Group currently has students in over countries worldwide. Jordan Consulting Group is member of SEO Consultants World Association of Internet Marketers and SEO Pros.

As well as being experts in internet marketing and online strategy our staff members are moderators and regular contributors to search engine forums newsletters and discussion groups. In addition to our hands on SEO SEM experience two staff members have passed the requirements set down by Google and have been awarded Google AdWords Qualified Professional status. We currently operate from Christchurch New Zealand. The following are testimonials from some of our clients.

Jordan Consulting Group is dedicated to customer service and producing high quality work that meets the needs of our clients. For more details see our web site testimonial page. "Thanks for the SEO.

Sandra and are very happy with the results and our fears of the stats going through the floor when the doorways were removed was not realized which we are very pleased about. We also appreciate your flexibility. We have been more than happy with your work and would recommend you to others.

Thanks again" Catherine Price and Sandra Robinson Managing Directors BirthNet "I've used the Works Package from Jordan Consulting Group. Referrals and client revenue from the first site have increased dramatically over the past eight months and unreservedly recommend them for their high degree of technical expertise thoroughness and integrity." Andre A. Moore Manager Psychotherapy Group in the Village New York City "Just wanted to thank you for the work you have done with us on our search engine strategy.

Not only have the results themselves been excellent but we certainly appreciated the time you took along the way to explain the process to us and educate us in terms of outcomes." Penny Blakeston Marketing Manager Australian Better Business Insurance

In preparation for the acceptance of this proposal Jordan Consulting Group has separately attached the following agreements and contracts.


To indicate your acceptance of this proposal please print out sign date and fax or email page six of the attached AGREEMENT attention to Kalena Jordan Jordan Consulting Group. Thank you for taking the time to read this proposal. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us via the details on the Title page. See Proposal Kit Professional and Contract Pack Professional at for fully written SEO services contracts which can be used with your clients along with your SEO business proposals.

Thank you for the opportunity to provide quotation for search engine optimization campaign for your web site as per your recent email. As you may be aware SEO is long term solution to get your site ranking in the natural free "organic" search results as opposed to pay per click search engine advertising which we also provide. Attached is our estimate to optimize your company’s web site for high rankings in the organic search engine results and provide submissions ongoing ROI analysis detailed site visitor statistics plus pro active SEO maintenance advice and monthly campaign reporting.

The easiest way to navigate the document is by clicking on the page numbers within the Table of Contents page or the bookmarks on the left. Of particular interest will be the Needs Assessment section of the proposal where we discuss the existing search engine compatibility issues of the web site in great detail. Should you have any questions about the attached please let me know.

If you would like to proceed with our consulting services you just need to choose your options sign and fax or email through the final page of the SEO Services Agreement which will be provided separately. Based on your competitive market and immediate requirement suggest we kick things off as quickly as possible. Our schedule for the next days is filling up so please let me know if you'd like to proceed so can block some time for you in our schedule. Most of your questions should be answered within the proposal but don't hesitate to let me know if you need any more information such as client references.

Thanks again for the opportunity to improve the search engine visibility of your site and look forward to hearing from you when you've had time to read our proposal.

Business proposal example What Our Clients Say

We had used Proposal Pack Wizard for a necessary and quick business proposal and right out of the box, we created a very crisp, targeted proposal that looked as professional as any we have ever viewed. The choices of templates were perfect, perfectly crisp, clean & polished. We Heartily endorse this product."

John Lawrence
Peppers Fine Catering

There are 200 complete sample proposals including this one in each Proposal Pack

The following related samples are also included in Proposal Pack:

Length of Sample

19 Pages

There are thousands of chapters to choose from in Proposal Pack. This sample uses the following set of Proposal Pack chapter templates: Cover Letter, Title Page, Table of Contents, Client Summary, Needs Assessment, Expected Results, Project Deliverables, Time Line, Project Budget, About Us, Testimonials, Appendix A, Back Page.

This sample illustrates how to write the following types of proposals

  • General business proposal
  • Technical proposal
  • Service sales proposal
  • Project pitch proposal
  • Marketing and advertising proposal
  • IT, software, hardware proposal
  • Web or graphic designer, developer, SEO proposal
  • Many other types of proposals

Samples can be created in any Proposal Pack design theme

This sample was created with Proposal Pack Aqua #6. To change the visual look purchase any Proposal Pack and this sample will be created in that design theme.

Out of the over 501 Proposal Packs available these designs are also popular for this type of proposal and this sample proposal is also included in every Proposal Pack:

Photo Design Proposal Packs

Business Proposal TemplatesProposal Pack Contemporary #21
Business Proposal TemplatesProposal Pack Marketing #1
Business Proposal TemplatesProposal Pack Marketing #2
Business Proposal TemplatesProposal Pack Multimedia #6
Business Proposal TemplatesProposal Pack Social Media #1
Business Proposal TemplatesProposal Pack Web #5

Line Art Design Proposal Packs

Business Proposal TemplatesProposal Pack Computers #2
Business Proposal TemplatesProposal Pack Networks #2
Business Proposal TemplatesProposal Pack Tech #6
Business Proposal TemplatesProposal Pack Wireless #1

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Key Takeaways

  • The SEO Services Sample Proposal is a fully written sample included in every Proposal Pack and the Professional Bundle.
  • You can create custom variations of this sample using the included software and template library.
  • The Wizard software automates quotes and other financial pages with a line-item database.
  • There are no ongoing subscription fees. You get lifetime unlimited use.
  • Proposal Kit is made for freelancers, small businesses, and non-profits.
  • Proposal Kit product content (templates, samples, software) is 100% written by humans.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I customize this sample to fit my specific project or business?

If you buy a Proposal Pack or the Professional bundle, you can build a more customized editable Word document version of this sample using the included Wizard software. You can replace the sample information with your own, adjust the text to match your company's tone and style, and modify sections to include project-specific details.

Can I use multiple sample proposals for different types of projects?

You can purchase multiple samples as individual Word templates or all 200 samples are included in every Proposal Pack and Proposal Kit Professional, which is a much better deal. The Proposal Kit offers sample proposals for various industries and project types. You can select and customize different sample proposals to suit each unique project. This flexibility allows you to create tailored proposals for other clients or projects.

How can I integrate my branding into this sample?

While this sample is built as an editable Word document, depending on the level of custom branding needed, consider the Proposal Kit Professional, which includes the branding features in the Wizard software that let you create custom-branded design themes more effectively. Start by incorporating your company's logo on the cover page, as well as in the headers and footers of the document. Next, adjust the color scheme of the proposal to match your brand colors. Change the fonts in the proposal to align with your brand's standard fonts. Including branded graphics that reflect your brand's style will further enhance the proposal. Additionally, ensure that the text within the proposal maintains a tone and voice consistent with your brand's communication style. By integrating these elements, your proposal will reinforce your brand identity.

How do I ensure my proposal stands out and wins the client?

To ensure your proposal stands out:

  • Personalize the content: Address the client's needs, challenges, and goals to make the proposal unique.
  • Highlight your value proposition: Communicate what sets your business apart and how to deliver superior results.
  • Use professional design elements: Incorporate visuals, charts, and graphs to enhance the presentation and make it more engaging.
  • Proofread and edit: Ensure the proposal is error-free and well-organized. A polished, professional document reflects your attention to detail and professionalism.

What should I do if I need help understanding or modifying a section of this sample?

If you need help understanding or modifying a section of this sample, refer to the detailed instructions provided. Additionally, Proposal Kit includes customer support and resources such as tutorials and videos to assist you. Consulting with a colleague or a professional in your industry can also be beneficial if further clarification is needed. Asking an AI tool can also provide valuable insights for immediate needs.

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