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How to write your Large Web Site and CD-ROM Project proposal

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  • Library of all 200 samples
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  • Financial calculators
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Screenshots of 4 of 36 pages of this sample

Click the PDF View link above to see more. The complete sample is included in every Proposal Pack and the included Wizard software can build you an editable version in Word that will be in the design theme you purchased. You can purchase a different design theme than the sample is illustrated with.

Proposal Pack Multimedia #5 Title Page

Proposal Pack Multimedia #5 Body Page
Proposal Pack Multimedia #5 Body Page
Proposal Pack Multimedia #5 Back Page

1. Get a Proposal Pack such as Multimedia #5

This sample was created using the design theme Proposal Pack Multimedia #5. You can recreate this same sample using any of our Proposal Pack design themes and have it customized for your business.

We include this sample in PDF and editable Word format chapters that can be customized using the included Wizard software when purchased with a Proposal Pack or the Professional Bundle.

To create your customized proposal using your logo and colors, get Proposal Pack for Any Business. We include this sample in every Proposal Pack.

2. Download and install after ordering

Once you have ordered and downloaded your Proposal Pack you will have all the content you need to get started. If you order the sample as a template you will download the Word document after ordering and edit it in your office software.

3. Set up the included Wizard software

While the Wizard software makes the process more efficient, you can manually assemble your version of this sample using the content provided and just a Word processor. We only include the Wizard software with a Proposal Pack or the Professional Bundle.

4. Import the Quick Start layout titled 'Large Web Site and CD-ROM Project'

The included Proposal Pack Wizard software makes creating a customized version of this document speedy and efficient. The sample content is in Word format documents, so you can also use the sample text without using our Wizard software. Using the Wizard software, you can create custom variations of this template and automate your quotes with the line item database.

The Large Project Sample is an example of the use of the Proposal Kit documents for a large e-commerce enabled web site project. This sample also includes a proposal for an integrated CD-ROM business card presentation.

The Sky Ski web site was first developed by Cyber Sea, Inc. (our CD-ROM development is now handled by our new company Cyberi). The development environment alone contains over 2500 separate files for the site.

The web site contains a number of databases, an e-commerce system, a modified version of the Cybertrakker affiliate tracking system used to automate the signup of team riders. The site also includes video clips, photo galleries, HotMedia virtual product shots, IPIX 360 degree photography and more.

The web site has been rated one of the best watersports web sites on the Internet and has been instrumental in moving Sky Ski into the lead position in the industry. In just a few short years virtually all hydrofoils now seen in competition and in recreation are produced by Sky Ski.

The goal was to create a web site that promoted Sky Ski as the sports leading manufacturer of high performance hydrofoils and also would be the primary source of information for the sport of hydrofoiling.

Over the last few years Cyber Sea, Inc. has also shot most of the photography for Sky Ski for use in advertisements, magazines, multiple CD-ROMs and various other web sites.

The proposal sample for Sky Ski included with Proposal Pack has been updated to combine our previous web site proposal for Sky Ski with the recent integrated dealer CD-ROM proposal and the updated Proposal Pack materials.

Web site developers, CD-ROM developers, computer programmers, small and medium size business owners. Businesses selling customized services also utilizing 3rd party components.

5. Customize the template with your information

You can customize the layout with different chapters, change the order of chapters, import your content and information, change the visual design, edit the text, and more. You have complete control over customizing this sample.

Large Web Site and CD-ROM Project - The Narrative

The Objective

Sky Ski needs major Internet presence to be the hub of the sport of hydrofoiling create community atmosphere and promote and sell their products and services. Sky Ski also needs an easy way to get dealers up to date dealer information and high resolution images for use in dealer advertisements.

  • An Internet Presence.
  • Sky Ski needs web site.
  • A Dealer Media Kit.
  • Sky Ski needs dealer CD ROM.

The Opportunity

Sky Ski has the opportunity to dominate the Internet in the sport of hydrofoiling. Exposure. The goal of the web site will be to dominate the sport of hydrofoiling on the Internet with large amount of content and imagery. Community. The site will also be used to build large community of hydrofoilers by encouraging communication team membership and events.

Dealer Service. The web site will include dealer locator for users and mini CD ROM will be created to include high resolution images for advertisement use Sky Ski information and links to up to date dealer price lists.

The Solution

As active members in the sport of hydrofoiling we understand the sport and have accumulated large collection of extreme hydrofoiling media. We are also experts in the creation of all media and materials required for the project including but not limited to web site design commerce database design photography and CD ROM production. We recommend using our production team to handle the creation of both projects. Site Creation. We recommend full service web site solution including commerce team rider automation extensive photo galleries product information tips and tricks dealer locator autoresponder mail list manager up to date event information and more.

CD ROM Creation. We recommend small scale mini CD ROM for use with Sky Ski’s dealers mass produced in small quantities and updated once year. Ongoing Site Maintenance. We recommend the Sky Ski site be updated at least once month with new information. Based on our interview we are recommending the following course of action for us to meet the needs of Sky Ski.

Sky Ski is in the business of producing high performance hydrofoils and is the leading manufacturer. Sky Ski is in need of an Internet presence that will also make it the primary resource for information about the sport of hydrofoiling. Sky Ski also needs marketing piece for dealers that will include prices and high quality photographs for use by dealers in advertisements. Cyberi Inc. is in the business of producing commerce enabled web sites and CD ROM marketing materials on custom shaped media.

Cyberi Inc. staff has the skills and experience required by Sky Ski including still photographers virtual reality IPIX photographers web site developers and multimedia designers. We recommend that large scale web site be developed for Sky Ski which focus on two primary areas. First to drive customers to the commerce parts of the Sky Ski web site and build mailing list for customer and prospect follow up marketing.

Secondly large information section of the site will be built featuring still photography team riders and general information about the sport of hydrofoiling with the focus on Sky Ski. The commerce portion of the site will be built so that orders can be forwarded to dealers in the shopper’s local area so that existing dealers are not cut out of potential sales. Also mini CD ROM business card presentation should be created as marketing piece for both dealers and potential customers.

The CD ROM will be small enough to mail and pass out at tradeshows to anyone. For dealers the CD ROM will include number of high quality images that can be used for advertising by the dealer. The CD ROM will also drive traffic to the Sky Ski web site and allow users to contact Sky Ski.

Sky Ski should only need an initial quantity of CD ROMs. Please contact us at your earliest convenience to discuss our recommendations. In order to complete the project within the outlined schedule and budget we will need to finalize any issues you may have within one week. You will realize the following benefits provided by this project.

The CD ROM project will benefit Sky Ski as follows. Reduce printing costs, Reduce bulky mailers, Reduce postage costs, Increase visibility, Increase your response rates, Increase brand awareness, Help close more business deals, Combine existing marketing material, Improve customer service, Track your marketing effectiveness, Leave your information on customer’s desktop. Increase the leverage of your existing marketing campaigns with the new and powerful tool you can track.

Printed brochures are frequently tossed in the trash CD ROM presentations are more likely to be kept and passed around. The Website project will benefit Sky Ski as follows. Increase visibility world wide, Stand out from the competition as the industry leader, Increase brand awareness, Conduct business easily anywhere in the world, Promote the sport of hydrofoiling with Sky Ski as the most innovative company, Improve customer service, Track your marketing effectiveness, The products and services provided by Cyberi Inc. to be used in this project include many useful and innovative features. Following is brief synopsis of the major features which you will benefit from.

Enterprise Marketing ROI Tracking Capture more information about how your cards are used to determine how effective your presentation and marketing efforts are working. Desktop Installation The installer effectively multiplies the number of actual business card presentations by leaving it behind on the user’s computer. Contact Followup Our CyberiCards are programmed with contact forms that gather visitor information when they fill out request form on your card. Your users are immediately sent an automated thank you mail and you are sent their information request.

Artwork Advertising Free Our CyberiCards are designed for you to market yourself and your business. Unlike most other multimedia companies we do not put our logos or marks on the face of your business card CD ROM. Custom Background We will create custom graphic background of your choice which will match your corporate look and feel.

Background Music Your presentation will also include background music track of your choice. We have large selection of stock selections and custom tracks can be licensed or created. Trade Show Autoplay Mode Let your presentation play by itself while letting your viewer take over at any time. Our presentations can be setup to guide your viewers page by page through your message.

Perfect for trade shows kiosks and sales demonstrations. IPIX Virtual Tour We specialize in degree IPIX Virtual Reality Tours. An IPIX photograph is single picture that shows an entire view of room or location from floor to ceiling all the way around. IPIX is unique type of photography only available on web sites and multimedia presentations.

Video Short video clips can also be included in your CD ROM presentation. Video clips can be advertorials location tours etc. For mini CD ROMs size and space is limited to few minutes. We will work with your to determine how much video can be included.

User Controllable Our presentations are designed for ease of use by beginners to experienced computer users. Audio feedback on buttons and clickable text visual feedback on buttons and clickable text navigation schemes consistent across presentation pop up help screens animated visual buttons clues on each initial page view. In order to complete the project Cyberi Inc. will complete the following development tasks. Assign development team to the project.

Your primary contact will be Joel King. Joel will oversee the project and communicate between your company and our development team. Tom Granger will provide the CD ROM cover art Flash animation sequences and will assist in the graphic design.

Ian Lauder will be in charge of the development of the CD ROM presentation and the development of the web site. Start the planning process after receiving all client supplied material required. Joel King will work with you to design the layout and visual style of the presentation. Once the design is created mockups will be created.

Once you approve the mockups and all collateral material has been received the project development will start. Develop the project based on the milestones in the production schedule. First draft of the presentation will be created within weeks of all collateral material being received.

You are allowed one round of change requests for the second draft not to exceed the project specifications after the first draft is presented. Change requests that are outside the scope of the original estimate and change requests after the second draft will be billed separately. Test the project through both Alpha and Beta testing cycles.

The CD ROM and website presentations will be tested after each round of proofs. You are also responsible for proofing the entire presentation to check for missing features misspellings etc. Once we have tested the presentation and you have tested and approved the presentation it will be ready for mass duplication.

Deliver and install the final project deliverables. Once approved the final presentation will be sent to replication to be mass produced. Once complete the final CD ROMs will be delivered inserted into clear vinyl sleeves.

Once the website is tested and approved it will be ready to market and submit to various search engines. Train staff based on the training plan. Joel King will provide up to one day of training on location for your staff on the usage of the presentations. Technical support will be available after the initial training by phone and mail.

The following is our projected production schedule for the project. The projected project schedule is expected to take approximately 9 weeks of calendar time. The schedule allows time for gathering and creating media multiple rounds of proofs testing and change requests for both the website and CD ROM.

  • Proposal acceptance. September 6.
  • Assign project team. September 6.
  • On site photo shoot for product and rider shots weather permitting. September 13 15.
  • All client supplied materials due. September 16.
  • Start project. September 9.
  • Project planning complete. September 12.
  • Project design complete. September 17.
  • Project Alpha completion. October 15.
  • Project Alpha testing completion. October 17.
  • First draft delivery for client proofing. October 21.
  • Project Beta completion. October 25.
  • Project Beta testing completion. October 28.
  • Project Final completion. October 31.
  • Client approval on final release. November 4.
  • Final testing completion. November 6.
  • Master CD ROM sent out for mass production. November 8.
  • Training completion. November 11.
  • Mass produced CD ROM’s delivered. November 22.

The following is complete list of all project deliverables as stated in the contract and proposal. 1000 45 mb CD ROM’s – Mass produced screened artwork inserted into vinyl sleeves. Interactive Presentation – Creation of Windows based interactive presentation.

Custom Photography – day photo shoot at Sky Ski’s location. Tracking Reports – You will have access to on line reports showing CD ROM tracking results. On Site training – We will provide up to one day of training when delivered.

Support – Ongoing technical support will be provided by phone and mail. Website – Sky Ski commerce enabled web site will be created and hosted on our server. The following is an estimate and summary of the costs associated with your project.

These numbers are only to be used as an estimate which has been based on the information provided to our company concerning this project to date. Standard Disclaimer. The numbers represented above are to be used as an estimate for the projects discussed. The above Cost Summary does in no way constitute warranty of final price.

Estimates are subject to change if project specifications are changed or costs for outsourced services change before being locked in by binding contract. Based on our staff resumes and your project needs we have put together the following proposed project management team. Client Project team contact. Joel King The team contact person is responsible for managing all contact between our development team and your staff. To keep the project on schedule and avoid communication problems all project related issues must be managed through your contact person.

Project manager & Team Leader. Ian Lauder The project manager is responsible for internally managing the project to meet the production schedule and budget constraints. Senior Photographer. Ian Lauder The senior photographer is responsible for shooting all photography required for the CD ROM and web site projects. Media manager. Tom Granger The media manager is responsible for creating and researching required Flash animation graphics audio and video files. The media manager will work directly with the Project manager.

The contact person will be your main contact point to the project development team. All decisions must be cleared through the team contact person and project manager. Subordinate team members should not be contacted directly unless cleared by the team contact project manager and team leader.

For detailed resumes of each project team member see the individual team resume section of the proposal. Once the project is complete our staff will provide training. We are staffed and equipped to handle variety of training needs.

Your customer contact Joel King will provide training for your CD ROM presentation and website. On site training will be provided at your local location. We will arrive with laptop computer and copies of your CD ROM for use by your staff. You are not required to supply any equipment.

You must have at least phone connection available for using the website. Future on site or remote training can be provided for nominal charge. If you require on site training at location other than locally travel costs may be incurred.

Phone and mail support will be provided as needed. On site training – Up to full day of training will be provided on site once the final presentation is approved. Ongoing training – Phone and mail support will be provided as needed after the on site training. Following is proposed storyboard diagram for the Sky Ski dealer CD ROM.

Our project layouts are based on accepted multimedia design practices customized to meet your needs. Please contact Joel King or Ian lauder at Cyberi Inc. To explain the storyboard in detail and how it will relate to the end user experience. This diagram shows the various components of the CD ROM and where they will be located.

Graphic mockups will be created for review once the project is started. Samples of similar CD ROM presentations will be included with our proposal. Following is proposed storyboard diagram.

The Sky Ski site will include large number of pages graphics custom photography and will use an automated system for managing classified ads team riders worldwide dealers and secure on line ordering. The proposed web site will contain at least web pages and at least auxiliary pages used by the automated systems as well as hundreds of graphics and photographs video clip gallery back office administration features newsletters and more. The preceding diagrams are for illustration purposes only and are subject to change.

The actual designs will be more complex and will be completed during the planning and design phase of the project. The following Cyberi Inc. case studies show how we have helped other companies with similar needs. Cyber Sea Inc. needed large commerce and affiliate marketing enabled web site to promote multiple hard good and digitally delivered products and services.

Cyber Sea Inc. also wanted to use CD ROM presentation to market itself and tie in with their web site. We broke down the Cyber Sea Inc. business into its primary products and services and created company site that focused primarily on the photography products and services with links off to other company sites. Cyber Sea Inc. is actually collection of web sites each focusing on separate product line or service. By splitting up the Cyber Sea Inc. company into multiple sites we greatly increased sales due to less confusion among site visitors.

Each site has specific goals that were met beyond expectations. The Cyber site has been responsible for landing many book and magazine publications. and related sites gross hundreds of thousands of dollars year in sales. and related sites have helped position Cyber Sea Inc. and partner company Cyberi Inc. as leader in the CD ROM presentation industry.

Creation of our CD ROM’s for Cyber Sea Inc. helps market all of the companies products and services and has responsible for making initial contact with new business partners and clients. Florentine Design Group needed smaller scale commerce enabled web site to promote multiple hard good and digitally delivered products and services. Florentine Design Group also wanted to use CD ROM presentation to market itself and tie in with their web site.

Cyberi Inc. developers also working with Florentine created the Florentine Design Group site which has links off to other sites to market products and services created by Florentine. We also created CD ROM business card for Florentine to market itself and tie the CD ROM to the web site. Florentine has increased sales for its products generated more leads for design work and has become resource for other multimedia developers.

Cyberi Inc. needed medium scale business and affiliate marketing enabled web site to promote CD ROM production and replication services. Cyberi Inc. also needed full featured CD ROM presentation to market it’s features and tie in with their web site. Cyberi Inc. staff developed the Cyberi web site to showcase their large portfolio of commercial CD ROM’s.

A CD ROM was also developed that highlights all of the features incorporated into client projects. The web site and CD ROM are tightly integrated and work just as well as separate marketing pieces. An affiliate program was designed to help promote the site and generate leads. Cyberi Inc. adds members to its affiliate program and opt in mailing lists daily from the marketing pieces and generates numerous project leads from the web site and CD ROM.

About us - Cyberi Inc. staff combines years of on line and off line sales marketing and software development to provide our customers with high quality and effective business solutions. Cyberi Inc. staffs have been providing web site development photography virtual reality IPIX multimedia and custom software solutions since 1997. Cyberi Inc. staff have created award winning web sites been published in numerous books and magazines photographed the homes up to $45 million dollars and created CD ROM’s for the most prestigious resorts.

We also specialize in affordable multimedia solutions for small and medium sized businesses. Products We specialize in interactive multimedia development. Our premier product is the CyberiCard, custom cut interactive CD ROM business card containing multimedia presentations tied to your web site. Services - We are full service business provider of web site and related multimedia services.

The following are some of our clients who have agreed to be references. Feel free to contact any of our references about their experience with Cyberi Inc. Cyberi Inc. staff has created numerous projects for other companies. Our portfolio contains many similar projects as we will develop with you.

For more details and listings of over CD ROMs developed for hotels schools and other businesses see our web site portfolio page. The developers and designers who will be working on your project have broad range of experience creating CD ROM’s business web sites general software development extreme sports photography print advertising journalism and more. Our staff has the experience needed to deliver all of Sky Ski’s multimedia needs.

Marine Stewardship Council Features large amount of information about MSC links to PDF documents and trackable links to various web sites. MSC needed CD ROM designed to teach viewers about sustainable fish resources on very tight production schedule. Hyatt Gainey Ranch Features complete 30 location guest room meeting room and amenity virtual IPIX tour, full sized CD ROM also includes 10 minute video. Gainey Ranch one of the most prestigious resorts in the country needed promotional CD ROM to replace bulky and costly VHS cassettes that also incorporated brochure type and interactive material to present to prospective customers.

Days Inn Scottsdale Features guest room and meeting room IPIX tour of the hotel. Anita the General Manager was able to land number of international business clients after sending them their new CD ROM presentation. She was previously unable to land them as clients with traditional marketing.

The ski school was looking for new marketing piece for tradeshows and giveaways to generate new business. Cyberi Inc. staff already had created the Hydrofoil Inc. web site and used their extensive extreme hydrofoil water sport photography library to create both marketing pieces. Fine Wine Line Features promo video IPIX virtual of custom wine cellars and catalog. Fine Wine Line needed presentation to showcase their custom cellars photographers photographed locations in Phoenix and Seattle and incorporated existing media from Fine Wine Line.

Seattle Christian School Includes complete 16 room IPIX tour of the school and many still photos of school events. Multiple photography sessions were scheduled around construction and we acquired background music sung and played by the school choir to accent the presentation. Seattle Christian School uses the card to promote their school to various businesses in the community.

Our staff have also consulted and worked on software for companies such as. Nike Toys Us Service Merchandise Lillian Vernon Swiss Tommy Hilfiger Skyway Paris Presents Applause Butler Bradlee P&O Nedloyd Chase Manhattan VMX Fisons Image Consulting Group Vitro Kvinko Harland Simon NDS Rockwell Fidelity Investments Thomson Financial Networks Intellicom Solutions WheelBase Visa Sterling Winthrop Pharmacuticals US Coast Infosel Silveco MSG Lundy Financials Comdisco Scanning Management Systems Versyss E.F. Haskell Magnavox ADT Security Systems Document Automation Corp. GTE IBM De La Rue Printrak Applied Systems Technologies XILINX Chief Data Cybermedix Inc. Lincoln National Information Services Coulter Electronics Bull Information Systems Pacer Corp. GSA Goodwill Games Scientific Columbus XYTRON. Created web sites for companies such as. Cyber Sea Inc., Florentine Design Group, LOGNET, RS Sports, Hydrofoil Inc., Flight Magazine, Mike Macks Ski School, Air Boom, Noice Studio and Gallery, Foray Camera Cases, Gonnason Boats. Created retail products such as. Cyber Sea Stock Photo CD ROMs Wildlife Screensavers Multimedia Proposal Kits CyberTrakker Commerce & Affiliate Tracking System APTLauncher APTTrakker Template Kit and HTML Mail Pack.

And have created multimedia CD ROM’s for companies such as.

Hyatt Marriott Days Inn Renaissance Westcoast Inn of Chicago Four Seasons Embassy Suites Holiday Inn Hilton Sheraton Summerfield Suites Doubletree University Inn Last Frontier Guest Ranch Wellesley Hydrofoil Inc. Linblad Expeditions Fine Wine Line Advanced Laser Clinics Delta Dental Diamond Communications New World Network Hot Air Expeditions Biltmore Fashion Park Seattle Christian School Andover College Burr & Temkin

The following Cyberi Inc. team members will be working with you during the course of your project. We have included their resumes below so you can get to know your team’s skills and backgrounds. Ian Lauder, Vice President of Engineering. Ian Lauder has been professional software engineer since has been developing multimedia solutions since and has been professional photographer since 1998. He has been published in numerous books and magazines developed award winning web sites and has built number of high tech companies.

B.S. in computer science with minor in math and graduate of New York Institute of Photography PADI certified Master Diver. Member of NANPA North American Nature Photographers Association. President of Cyber Sea Inc.

Senior photographer for Flight Magazine. Former Director of Engineering for Global Technology Services Ltd. Former DBMS consultant for Vista Development Corp.

Former software engineer for Raima Corp. Developer of the Proposal Kit system for web developers ODBC drivers for the db Vista DBMS the CyberTrakker commerce and affiliate tracking system the APTTrakker multimedia tracking system and the Cyberi Inc. CD ROM development infrastructure.

Business proposal example What Our Clients Say

Thank you!! Everyone at our national headquarters (Kinko’s, too) wanted to know "who" did the business proposal layout. I told them! I don’t know what I would have done without Proposal Kit. I had a massive brain freeze and couldn’t design my way out of a clear plastic bag."

Kristen Howell
American Red Cross of Florida

There are 200 complete sample proposals including this one in each Proposal Pack

The following related samples are also included in Proposal Pack:

These template layouts are related to this sample

The following related templates are also included in Proposal Pack with this sample:

Length of Sample

36 Pages

There are thousands of chapters to choose from in Proposal Pack. This sample uses the following set of Proposal Pack chapter templates: Cover Letter, Title Page, Table of Contents, Executive Summary, Cost Summary, Benefits, Features, Project Deliverables, Training Plan, Technical Approach, Production Schedule, Project Management, Storyboard, Recommendations, Case Study, Company History, Portfolio, Resume, Testimonials, References, Back Page.

Large Web Site and CD-ROM Project Calculator Spreadheets

These Excel calculator spreadsheets are included with this template. If you purchase a Proposal Pack or the Professional Bundle, these proposal pages are generated using an automated line-item database in the included Wizard software. The calculator spreadsheets are intended for use when purchasing only the sample as a static Word template.

Cost Summary Calculator, Production Schedule Calculator

This sample illustrates how to write the following types of proposals

  • General business proposal
  • Technical proposal
  • Service sales proposal
  • Project pitch proposal
  • Photography, media proposal
  • IT, software, hardware proposal
  • Web or graphic designer, developer, SEO proposal
  • Many other types of proposals

Samples can be created in any Proposal Pack design theme

This sample was created with Proposal Pack Multimedia #5. To change the visual look purchase any Proposal Pack and this sample will be created in that design theme.

Out of the over 501 Proposal Packs available these designs are also popular for this type of proposal and this sample proposal is also included in every Proposal Pack:

Photo Design Proposal Packs

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Business Proposal TemplatesProposal Pack Software #1
Business Proposal TemplatesProposal Pack Software #2
Business Proposal TemplatesProposal Pack Web #4
Business Proposal TemplatesProposal Pack Web #5

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Business Proposal TemplatesProposal Pack Web #1
Business Proposal TemplatesProposal Pack Web #2
Business Proposal TemplatesProposal Pack Web #3

15% Off Discount

Key Takeaways

  • The Large Web Site and CD-ROM Project is a fully written sample included in every Proposal Pack and the Professional Bundle.
  • You can create custom variations of this sample using the included software and template library.
  • The Wizard software automates quotes and other financial pages with a line-item database.
  • There are no ongoing subscription fees. You get lifetime unlimited use.
  • Proposal Kit is made for freelancers, small businesses, and non-profits.
  • Proposal Kit product content (templates, samples, software) is 100% written by humans.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I customize this sample to fit my specific project or business?

If you purchase this sample as a static template, it will be an editable Word format document; otherwise, if you buy a Proposal Pack or the Professional bundle, you can build a more customized editable Word document version of it using the included Wizard software. You can replace the sample information with your own, adjust the text to match your company's tone and style, and modify sections to include project-specific details.

Can I use multiple sample proposals for different types of projects?

You can purchase multiple samples as individual Word templates or all 200 samples are included in every Proposal Pack and Proposal Kit Professional, which is a much better deal. The Proposal Kit offers sample proposals for various industries and project types. You can select and customize different sample proposals to suit each unique project. This flexibility allows you to create tailored proposals for other clients or projects.

How can I integrate my branding into this sample?

While this sample is an editable Word document, depending on the level of custom branding needed, consider the Proposal Kit Professional, which includes the branding features in the Wizard software that let you create custom-branded design themes more effectively. Start by incorporating your company's logo on the cover page, as well as in the headers and footers of the document. Next, adjust the color scheme of the proposal to match your brand colors. Change the fonts in the proposal to align with your brand's standard fonts. Including branded graphics that reflect your brand's style will further enhance the proposal. Additionally, ensure that the text within the proposal maintains a tone and voice consistent with your brand's communication style. By integrating these elements, your proposal will reinforce your brand identity.

How do I ensure my proposal stands out and wins the client?

To ensure your proposal stands out:

  • Personalize the content: Address the client's needs, challenges, and goals to make the proposal unique.
  • Highlight your value proposition: Communicate what sets your business apart and how to deliver superior results.
  • Use professional design elements: Incorporate visuals, charts, and graphs to enhance the presentation and make it more engaging.
  • Proofread and edit: Ensure the proposal is error-free and well-organized. A polished, professional document reflects your attention to detail and professionalism.

What should I do if I need help understanding or modifying a section of this sample?

If you need help understanding or modifying a section of this sample, refer to the detailed instructions provided. Additionally, Proposal Kit includes customer support and resources such as tutorials and videos to assist you. Consulting with a colleague or a professional in your industry can also be beneficial if further clarification is needed. Asking an AI tool can also provide valuable insights for immediate needs.

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You can create countless variations of this sample with a Proposal Pack template library and Wizard software.
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